Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Another Person Sees The Power of "The Village"

                           Ms Alison Pinsley Comments  After Reading "The Village"

"Hi Lowell,

I couldn't wait to write and tell you that your book was wonderful. I couldn't put it down, and that's not usual for me, particularly since I fell and hit my head almost two years ago. I have had a hard time concentrating and focusing on any one thing, unless it gets my attention, and I have to tell you that this book did. It speaks louder than words about discrimination and it's consequences and ultimate end. Unlike most books that I have read on the topic of discrimination, this one ends in a totally unexpected way.

I hope you write another book, I'll be the first on line to buy it."

Friday, November 30, 2012

Who Is Mr. Kevin Bolden!

Author Describes His Main Character, "Mr. Kevin Bolden" In Poetry

Kevin Bolden's Statement

"I Have Epilepsy, But Epilepsy Does Not Have Me!"

Kevin Bolden is a family man and loving people was his way of life. He could not understand why this was not clear. Here is a man that expressed his love to everyone; that is to everyone who was willing to come near.
You see here is a Man who has a condition, one that he would not allow to change his life. He was determined to give and give all he had, for he had to take care of his children and his wife.
Epilepsy was the condition that Mr. Bolden was facing, but he had overcome the embarrassment that it can sometime bring. Now if only others could do the same, he would not have to find a "pink slip" under his name.
He thought, "Why should I always lose my job and the opportunity to educate myself? The reason why I was granted the position was because they knew I was the best, they could not find anyone else!"
He thought for a second and that is all it took, he looked up into the mirror and guess who he could see? He saw the hard-working Kevin Bolden, but his employer saw, "The Man with Epilepsy!" That is the answer; yes that's exactly what it is. He had come to this realization but doing this brought on the tears!
Why was he crying? Why was he surprised? All Mr. Bolden actually saw was their "lack of education!" Yes, this was all his family and him were truly facing. But these are adults and he can do the work, so really this was not an excuse. But that is all that was needed, yes that is what they used to cut him loose.
With a family to feed and a life to live, Kevin Bolden felt there was no more he could give. With this in mind, he had no choice; that is until he heard his Father's Voice.

 He said, "Forgive them my child, for they know not what they do." He remembered hearing this statement before but it was not at work, it was at church. Quickly, he looked into the mirror again and now he saw "The God" he had within.
With this in mind, Mr. Bolden realized what he had to do to make life the way it should be. But why did this happen at this point in time and he said, "Why did it have to happen to me?"
But Mr. Bolden now had "The Village" to give him support. Yes, they were there for him because they could see! This is when Mr. Bolden stated to the world, "I have epilepsy, but epilepsy does not have me!"
"Words From The Heart"
  Lowell G.Evans

Sunday, November 4, 2012



Today, Nov.4th was a little chilly but the atmosphere became much more comfortable with the families dealing with epilepsy coming together as one. This was the annual "Epilepsy Stroll" for Va.Beach.

President of the Epilepsy Foundation, Ms Linda Bright and Regional Director Ms Patty Hood conducted the program. There were people speaking to the group gathered about their children's success in dealing with epilepsy over the years. Also there was information given as to where to go to become part of a "support group" which is the key to people having epilepsy. They have to realize that they "are not alone".

Ms Bright informed the people attending of Mr. Lowell G.Evans of Va. Beach. Lowell is a person who decided to reach out and help others who have epilepsy by writing his novel titled, "The Village". In the novel he has created a character named "Kevin Bolden" to represent epilepsy. Lowell was then given the opportunity to give his contact information for people who wanted to order the novel and learn more about why he wrote the book. The response was great! He also informed them of his desire to have a movie made from the novel.

The stroll around Mt. Trashmore gave individuals the opportunity to meet one another and talk about the challenges they had with the condition as well as the success. It was a "great event:!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

"The Village Pays Off"


Epilepsy is a condition that is misunderstood and misdiagnosed so often. As I was in the library one day, I was wearing my "Epilepsy Volunteer T-shirt". When I walked by a young man he smiled at me and as I was going back to my seat his mother stopped me. She asked me about my T-shirt and I informed her that I developed epilepsy from a fall in college and that I had come back from the National Epilepsy Convention.

This lady, Ms Oliver then told me of her son not wanting to go back to school or church because of the "peer pressure" he was receiving because of it. I asked could I speak to him and she said, "Please".

Her son was 13 yrs old and I shared with him how I had epilepsy. I also informed him of famous people having epilepsy like Pres. Roosevelt, Danny Glover, Thomas Edison, and others. He was shocked! I then gave him a copy of my novel "The Village" and some T-shirts. This happened the last school year.

Today, October 11, 2012 I received a call from Ms Oliver telling me she is going to contact the "Anderson Cooper Show" and share that since we had talked this year she decided to give her son more freedom with his classes. He is now making A's in some classes and they are doing great! They could not get into the studio at CNN.

The mother  had to call me and inform me of the change! She said, "Lowell, that day we met you in the library out of nowhere really made a difference in his life!"

November is "National Epilepsy Awareness Month" . The president of Messenger Films, Mr. Cristobal Krusen came last month to share with a number of people how he read the novel and feel it has the potential to be movie.

With Muscular Dystrophy, MS, Parkinson's, and Cerebral Palsy, the four (4) of these conditions together do not out number the amount of people who have Epilepsy! There are over 3 million individuals with epilepsy in the US and 50 million in the world.

                  The family from Va.Beach at CNN last year outside of the studio.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Film Maker Comes to Va. Beach Talks About The Village

Cristobal Krusen shares His Thoughts About "The Village"

On September 7, 2012, the writer and director of the award winning film, "Undaunted, The Early Days of Josh McDowell, Mr. Cristobal Krusen came to Virginia Beach.

Cris, connected with Lowell G.Evans, author of, "The Village" and informed him that he would do a "sneak preview" of his latest movie "Undaunted", scheduled to come out on October 16, 2012, and also share with the attendances his thoughts of his novel becoming a motion picture. The people that attended the event were from New Life Providence Church, special guests, and people interested in seeing the film and hearing the views of Cris about "The Village" becoming a movie.

After viewing the movie, Cris explained how he was contacted by Pastor McDowell and requested to do the story on his life just by the pastor seeing a DVD done by Cris! WOW! Cris then traveled from the country of Belize to the United States to work with the pastor and write the script for the movie. The movie was filmed in several different locations. "UNDAUNTED", the documentary about Josh McDowell won two awards at this year's ICVM conference for Best Documentary and Best Evangelistic Film.

After the question and answer period of the program, Cris then explained to everyone the novel, "The Village." He stated how he had read the novel and had done a "personal interview" with the author and found a "deeper message" in the story than the one written by Lowell G. Evans. He shared his views  in making a movie from "The Village" would not only focus on epilepsy, which is why Lowell wrote the book, but on the response to "epilepsy" from society as well. This is what Cris found to be the "areas in the story" that would make it successful in the cinema!

When Cris introduced Lowell to the audience, he informed them of how they met over three (3) years ago at a church function for the men and how the friendship took off from that point. It was then when Lowell shared with everyone the importance of  "epilepsy education" in society and especially in the schools. He stated  how a movie is needed  for this message to reach the millions of people with the condition. Lowell has a statement which says, "I may have epilepsy, but epilepsy does not have me." The character that he has created in the novel, "Mr. Kevin Bolden" is a name going across the country to represent epilepsy.

Messenger Films and The Village, for Epilepsy Awareness are in the development stage of this project and are spreading the word about the movie that so many people want to see come to past. Mr. Kelvin Arthur is also working with Lowell on this project along with Ms Kysa Emonds. Please see the pictures from the visit to Virginia Beach from Mr. Krusen to talk about "The Village",

Please see:

Sunday, August 12, 2012

The Village..It Needs To Be A Movie


A number of times I ask people, "Have you seen that movie called "The Village"? The response is, "No, I have not. What is it about?" This is when I explain to the individual about the story of "The Village", Mr. Kevin Bolden, and epilepsy.

The next response is either, "Where is it playing at or is it on DVD?" This is when I share with them that it was a book I wrote to help educate people about epilepsy. The normal response I receive is that, "Man, that sounds so much like  movie."

Now that film maker Cristobal Krusen of Messenger Films has read the novel and interviewed me, here is his response:

 "The interview I conducted provided me the opportunity to explore areas of your story that I had pre-identified as holding the potential for a successful cinematic treatment. I now feel confident saying that – properly written,produced and directed – a compelling film can be made for a wide audience based partly on your book and partly on details of your life."

Cristobal Krusen

As I was thinking about the novel, this movie and this poem came to my mind. I am a "poet at heart". God gives me the words and all I do is put them on paper!

You might can relate to someone who put their faith in "the system" that we live in today but did not receive their return on their "investment." God has given us all whatever we need to make it in life and this book which has the potential of becoming a "movie" says it all. Please see the words that God placed on my heart about this on August 12,2012. I ask for your prayers for this to come to pass. I am going to give it my all as I feel it is what God wants me to do to help others with epilepsy and other health conditions as well.

Lowell G.Evans
Author of: "The Village"
A novel of inspiration for the entire family!


When I  talk about "The Village"
It is not just a place for one to live
I am referring to a group of people
Who have nothing but love and respect to give

When I wrote my novel titled "The Village"
This was a way to keep me at peace
For all the things that happened to me
Should not have, but they did not cease

I got my college degree and worked hard everyday
This is what I was told was "The Secret" to life
I was even blessed to become a Father"
Of course that was after I found myself a wife

So I followed the "Game Plan" I was taught
For I was informed that "You can not fail"
Well then "epilepsy" came into the picture
And attempted to take the "wind out of my sail."

But I refuse to let anything change my thoughts
For what I had learned, "My God was the source"
This is why "The Village" will become a movie
For people need to know God, so I have to use my "voice"

I am speaking to everyone there is
And at the moment I am just doing it on paper
But God knows that many people will not take time to read
So the movie "The Village" is on the way much sooner than later.

"Words From The Heart"

Lowell G.Evans
August 11, 2012


Bettie F. Williams Elementary School Contacts TV Station

Mr. Lowell Evans has agreed to be a part of our Career Days activity at our school.  He is speaking to our kids as an author of his very important book about epilepsy. It would be a great human interest story if your station could cover one of these important events to share a very interesting story. Career Days will be held at Bettie F. Williams in Virginia Beach on Thursday, May 24th and Friday, May 25th from 8 – 10 AM.  It would be a great story to tell  the world that  people with disabilities are eager to share their own stories to help others have a better life. He is an incredible guy.

Delphina Malone
School Counselor
Bettie F. Williams Elementary

Friday, July 27, 2012

You Need To Finish The Book!

Poet Has Seizure at Seminar and Becomes a Author!

The day that Lowell Evans went to a writing seminar to enhance his poetry writing, little did he know that day would change his life. As he had been working day and night in the year of 2008, the lack of rest and other issues all met at one time. He had a seizure at the seminar!

When he came to, he was a little embarrassed and tried to explain the "condition" to the man he had just asked to take a picture for him. This man was Mr. Dreason Ruckett. He said to Dresason, "You know it is kind of funny, I started to write a book about epilepsy." Mr. Ruckett responded, "Why didn't you finish the book sir?" Lowell said to him, "Hey, I am not a author, I am a poet." The young man that asked him the question just crossed his arms behind his back and said with respect, "I know you are not an author sir, you did not finish the book! You need to finish the book sir."

Although this statement was one he did not expect to hear, Mr. Ruckett said it with so much respect, Lowell Evans decided to complete the novel, his first ever. All because of the fact that he had a seizure in front of someone who actually "believed in him", With the help of Dreason Ruckett and others, "The Village" was written. Mr. Ruckett is the owner of Lyrcial4cast Publishing in Hampton Roads. His partner Mr. Lee Sumlin III was the artist for the book.

The beautiful thing about Mr. Evans writing the book was that when he needed a publisher, not one time did Mr. Ruckett ask! When Lowell asked him to become the publisher, Mr. Ruckett responded, "It would be my pleasure." Lowell then asked, "Why didn't you ask me?" Mr. Ruckett said, "I knew if it was meant to be it would happen, so I just gave it to God."

Please meet Mr. Dreason Ruckett, Owner of Lyrical4cast Publishing



When Lowell G.Evans, author of "The Village" had to ride the city bus, he was frustrated! He was saying to himslef, "Man, I can't even afford to get my car fixed! Why me."?

As Lowell got on the bus he sat down with "everything" he needed to carry that day! It was embarrassing to say the least because it looked as though this man was "struggling"! The fact of the matter he was. But it was not for long.

Two Caucasian Ladies were sitting across the aisle from him and with the fact of them being strangers, he did not speak. It was the "first time" he had ever rode the bus and felt as though he was not going to make it in life. It was then when one of the ladies asked him in a very sweet way, "Good evening sir. What does your t-shirt mean,"? He was wearing his "Village T-shirt." As he explained the story of "The Village and Kevin Bolden" to them, they got excited.

Ms Diane said to her friend Ms Kathy, "We need to introduce Lowell to our girlfriend, don't you think?" Ms Kathy quickly responed, "We sure do." Lowell responded even quicker saying, "Thank you ladies but I am not interested in dating anyone at this time."  Both of the ladies began to laugh and Ms Diane said, "Oh no. Our girlfriend is a producer at Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN). We want to share your story with her and try to have you on the TV." About three weeks later, Lowell G.Evans was on TV for the first time talking about his novel, "The Village"!

And to think, "Lowell did not want to ride the bus." The two ladies in the picture with Lowell are Ms Diane to the left and Ms Kathy to his right! They all have become great friends!


A Great Win for Cristobal Krusen, President of Messenger Films!

On July 13, 2012, the movie "Undaunted" won two Crown Awards at the ICVMFilm Festival in Orlando, Florida ( Crown Awards are “designed to recognize excellence in production and content of films and videos that are created to reflect Christian values in a secular world.” Undaunted,written and directed by Cristóbal Krusen, won in the categories of Best Evangelistic Film and Best Docudrama/Documentary.

Mr. Krusen, is a friend of Mr. Lowell G.Evans who wrote the novel, "The Village". After reading the novel written by him and doing a personal interview with the author, Mr. Krusen responded:

"The interview I conducted provided me the opportunity to explore areas of your story that I had pre-identified as holding the potential for a successful cinematic treatment. I now feel confident saying that – properly written,produced and directed – a compelling film can be made for a wide audience based partly on your book and partly on details of your life."

Cristobal Krusen

Wednesday, July 18, 2012


EPILEPSY: Eliminating the Myths; Understanding the Causes

Wednesday, 20 June 2012 18:30

By Leonard E. Colvin
Chief Reporter
New Journal and Guide

Lowell G. EvansIn 1979, while attending Virginia Wesleyan College, Lowell G. Evans was playing in a pick up basketball game when he suddenly became dizzy and passed out. The next thing he knew, paramedics were standing around him. “They said I may have had an epileptic seizure,” said Evans. “Epileptic? I told them I did not smoke that stuff.  I did not know what they were talking about.” At the hospital’s emergency room, doctors discovered a scar at the back of his head which they said may have contributed to the spell.

“They told me that the scar may have been caused by an injury and may have caused previous episodes of epilepsy. I did not think I had any,” said  Evans, who is now 51 and living In Virginia Beach. “I did not know what epilepsy was. I did not know how it would change  my life. But since then, I discovered with treatments meds, I had nothing to fear and I am living a normal life.”
While he was growing up in rural Gloucester County Virginia,  Lowell G. Evans had never heard of epilepsy, let alone  recognized any signs that he may have had the disease. He does recall people who had “spells” who fell to the ground in spasms. He recalled adults saying they were  caused by demons embedded in the person’s soul seeking to control it.  

Until scientists unraveled the causes of epilepsy, people thought it was triggered by full moon or demons. There are various forms of epilepsy and varied reasons attribured to why mother nature imposes it on the lives of over three million people in the United States and a quarter of a million African Americans. The medical experts say that brain chemistry, hereditary, physical injury, prenatal injuries, and exposure to chemicals and other environmental poisons are on the list for causing epilepsy.

Today, Evans is an advocate to educate on the condition. He has written  “The Village,”  a 228-page book which is part biography and part  social commentary and instructional guide on the disease.  “When I first told people that I had epilepsy, most of the reactions were negative and most of the views people had were negative,” said Evans. “It takes a village to raise a child; it  also takes a village to change  the negative views toward epilepsy.” Evans said that society’s ignorance about epilepsy can be just as detrimental as the disease itself. He noted that people display symptoms of the disease differently, and it may be interpreted as alcoholism, drug addiction, psychosis or other  physically debilitating ailments

One good example he offers is a story about Kevin. “Kevin was a highly successful African American man. One day, a couple, who were his neighbors and knew his family, saw him experiencing a seizure out in public and they thought he was an alcoholic or on drugs because he was lying out in the street.   From that point on they decided not to have anything to do with him socially,” said Evans. “Well, the two sons of that couple, who played with Kevin’s children, witnessed him having a more severe epileptic seizure  while they were at his house playing with his kids,” said Evans. “At that point, the two sons were educated. It was not substance abuse or insanity. It was not something which was contagious.”

Evans says epilepsy does not deter people from acquiring careers and achieving their life dreams. He said that actor and activist Danny Glover is epileptic. He joins President Theodore Roosevelt, Author Charles Dickens  (writer of the Christmas Carol), NBA player Bobby Jones, Alexander the Great, and  Julius Caesar, among others, known to suffer from the disease. After he graduated from college in 1983, Evans was recruited by the Safeway Corporation  as a manager, a job he worked for 15 years.  He did operational analysis for Bank of America for 10 years; then  he went into retail sales. Now he is promoting his book and advocating and educating people about epilepsy.

Evans said there are three degrees of epileptic seizures from mild to severe. All are  the result of “bio-electric impulses not fully being transmitted through the brain to make the body function properly for brief periods of time,” he explained. Evans said that an individual may experience an “aura” which is a warning sign “when you feel a light-headed feeling, an unbalance.” “You are walking and you want to move your arms and you can’t,” said Evans.  ”When I have an aura, it indicates that the level of medicine I take to deter epilepsy is low or not at the proper levels.  It does not always mean that a seizure will occur.” Sometimes the person having the seizure goes into a kind of altered state for a short period of time. The person may looked dazed or stare into space. In such a case, it is enough to stay by the person and wait for the seizure to pass. The most important thing is to be calm.

Evans said epileptic seizures can be triggered by varying factors, including certain smells or flashes of light. He is prescribed two different medications to control the onset of seizures. Evans said that he has been talking to owners of the Messenger Films about doing a movie based on his book, detailing the story of man who is epileptic and goes on a quest to educate the village with words about the disease.

For more information, go to




Hello again my friend!  I read the story you sent me about the above mentioned subject.  I wish I were close enough to attend one of your "meetings".  I have tried to tell my story to people or groups of people and received the attitude of "Oh, another guy who gamed the system."  Or, "Well, here's another guy who just wouldn't do his job and got what he deserved."  And it's very frustrating, very frustrating...

And I am sure that some of that feeling is read into what their actions are from my perspective on how I see the myself.

But the fact remains that YOUR story must be told for all of us who are out here, alone, but who you are speaking for.  Please don't give up Lowell.  Discrimination is found in all colors, creeds, religions, no matter what name or adjective you want to put on it, but all of that has a very basic, distinct, and profound similarity.  That being, it takes two individuals for it to happen;  the person doing the persecution, and the one being persecuted...

And in all subjects, as stated above, no matter what side of the aisle may they stand on, we all bleed red, we all live and die, and we all have the ability to either love or hate, it is simply a matter that is decided in the heart.

That is why you cannot give up on the mission you have set out to do.  Because I have experienced it first hand, as well as others, I am sure, and nothing was done to stop it.

DON'T give up Lowell, there are a lot of "Kevin Bolden's" counting on you.  :-)

God speed and God Bless,

Tim Parsons, Sr.

Sunday, June 24, 2012



Eric Olivier Jr. (E.J.) met Lowell G. Evans in the Kempsville Library some months ago and noticed his T-Shirt about the "National Epilepsy Convention." As Mr. Evans received a "smile" from this 13yr old student from Salem Middle School in Va. Beach, he smiled back and continued on to his desk. Little did the author of "The Village" know what the smile was all about!

Mrs. Teresa Olivier, E.J's mother then stopped the author and asked him about "epilepsy". This is when he told her about his speech at the convention and his book "The Village". He also informed her about his thoughts about epilepsy. He stated to her, "I may have epilepsy, but epilepsy does not have me!" Mrs.Olivier was happy to hear those words from him and then informed him of her son having epilepsy. This is when Mr. Evans asked her, "Is that your son over there?" She stated,"Yes" and then informed him of how Eric Jr. did not want to return to school or church because of the "peer pressure" he was receiving from having a seizure in public. Mr. Evans than asked to speak to E.J. and Mr. Olivier said, "Oh, please do."

After the author informed the young man that he had dealt with the "peer pressure" as well, E.J. felt a little more relaxed about epilepsy. It was when Mr. Evans informed the young man about all of the famous people who had epilepsy. He informed him of President Teddy Roosevelt, Thomas Edison, and Mr. Danny Glover all having this condition. The young man could hardly believe what he was hearing! His attitude was changing instantly! This conversation had the Olivier Family amazed! When Mr. Evans informed E.J. of the novel he wrote, "The Village" and then gave him an autographed copy, the relief that came across this young man's face was a site to see! He took the book and ran over to the other side of the library to read it!

A few weeks later, the Olivier family contacted the author again and requested more books to purchase along with "The Village" t-shirts! Little did the author know that the Olivier family had "bigger plans" than he ever could imagine. It was two weeks later when Mr. Evans received a call and it was from Mrs. Teresa Olivier, E.J.'s mother. The family had gone do to Atlanta, Ga. to nominate the author as a "CNN Hero." They were not able to get past security so they took a picture outside of the CNN Studios wearing the "Village T-Shirts and holding a copy of "The Village"! Mr. Evans could hardly believe his eyes!

Mrs. Olivier then stated to the author of the story of  "The Village and Kevin Bolden" changed the life of their son. E.J. for the better! In fact it was a positive change for the entire family! The family is planning on going back to CNN News to make the nomination again!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012



When Mr. Lowell G. Evans  saw his old neighbor, Jordan Branch  who attends  Landstown High School at Wendy's Resturant, he asked him and his friends what they were doing . They informed him that they had just finished their organizational meeting for APICS. With him not understanding what this meant he asked, "O.K., fellows what is APICS?" They informed them that it stood for the "Asian Pacific Islanders Cultural Society." With that response he asked, "Can you explain that to me please?"

The students from Landstown High had formed an organization so that the students from all walks of life at Landstown High can learn from each other the different Races and Cultures at the school. Mr. Evans was very impressed with this because the group of young men were conducting themselves as "Gentlemen" and they displayed "great respect" for one another and the people at the restaurant as well.

With the "definition" of APICS being explained to Mr. Evans, he then shared with the group of young men his novel, "The Village." As Mr. Evans informed the students of the story of "Kevin Bolden" who was an African American Corporate Family Man who lost his career and almost his entire family due to the "lack of knowledge of epilepsy", the students became very excited! He then sat down with them and shared his accomplishments and his goal to "eradicate the ignorance of epilepsy" in society by writing the novel. The students were surprised to have a "Published Author" in their presence.

As Mr. Evans explained the story of "The Village", one of the young men in the group named Andy said, "Mr. Evans, The Village is more than just about helping people with epilepsy. It is about "helping your fellow man no matter what the condition or the race. That is actually what we are doing with APICS!" Everyone of the members agreed with him. Mr. Evans was very impressed to see that these young men had recognized the "message being given" in the novel. Again these were high school students but they had a great deal of  "wisdom."

With all that being said, the students then invited Mr. Evans to be the "Guest Speaker" at the end of the year celebration for APICS on June 11, 2012 at 2:30pm at the school. Mr. Evans gladly accepted the offer but informed them that they had to get the approval from their sponsor Ms Marica Garner. He then gave them a copy of the novel and other literature about "Epilepsy".

When Mr. Evans did his speech to APICS, he informed them of how one of their alumni, Mr. D.J.Conti had touched his life.

In closing, Mr. Evans informed the students that Mr. Cristobal Krusen, president of Messenger Films had read his novel and had also came to Va. Beach to do a "personal interview" with him. From the interview, Mr. Krusen said this:

The interview I conducted provided me the opportunity to explore areas of your story that I had pre-identified as holding the potential for a successful cinematic treatment. I now feel confident saying that – properly written,produced and directed – a compelling film can be made for a wide audience based partly on your book and partly on details of your life.

Cristobal Krusen

The students were informed Mr. Krusen had done the movie, "The Bill Collector" in the cities of Va. Beach and Norfolk. He gave them Mr. Krusen's website, He also informed then that if they helped to spread the word about "The Village and Mr. Kevin Bolden" that when the movie is done, they could be possible "fill-ins" in the movie. There would not be any pay for this, but to have a film done "right in Va. Beach" got them very excited. All this would do is support what "APICS" is doing for the community! They were actually doing the same thing Mr. Evans was doing! Educating people!

Mr. Evans truly enjoyed meeting APICS of Landstown High School and has been inspired by them even more to make the "movie" come to pass!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Mr. Parsons Says, " The Village Movie" Is A Must!

This email below was sent from Mr. Tim Parsons Sr. of Arkansas. He himself was a "Kevin Bolden", a man with epilepsy. A man that could not receive the help he needed. He wants to see "The Village" made into a movie!

Mr. Parsons Sr. writes:


That sounds great!!  I sincerely hope you can acheive your goal in making this into a movie.  I only wish that this could have been done 100 years ago, or longer.  I don't care what the "case" is, whether it be race, creed, etc., discrimination is wrong, no matter what the reason.  I came to realize this at a very early age, because of epilepsy, yet I still was surrounded by ignorant people, of all colors.  It was hard to deal with at times, but it made me a better person overall.  Perhaps it was God's way of tempering me into that better person....

I am glad I have found someone who was able to be so closely paralleled in life to the same situation I went through.  I wish you success with this project.  For all of us who suffer with seizures and the side affects of them and the medications that we take to prevent them, I wish you luck and success with this project my good friend.


Tim Parsons, Sr.

Saturday, May 26, 2012


I was forunate to meet Mrs. Delphina Malone last month. She is the Guidance Counselor at Bettie F. Williams Elementary School located in Va. Beach, Va. While at a restaurant, I shared with Mrs. Malone the story of "The Village" and the life of the character I created name "Kevin Bolden."

Mrs.Malone was very excited about having a "published author" located right in the city of Va. Beach and a man willing to speak about "epilepsy." She then invited me and my publisher, Mr. Dreason Ruckett of Lyrical4cast Publishing to come and speak at the "Career Day" at her school on May 24th. We were greeted by Principal Timothy Sullivan and Asst. Principal, Mrs. Shirley Haywood. They shared with us the "dreams" of the students that we were there to see.

Mr. Ruckett and I had a great time explaining to the students our careers as a author and a publisher. Most of all we enjoyed informing them of what "epilepsy" really was. Just like so many people, the myths and stigmas about epilepsy were "overwhelming". This was our opportunity to educated the students and introduce them to the main character of the novel, "Mr. Kevin Bolden." When the students finally had a "name" associated with epilepsy we then shared with them the "real names" that had the condition. We informed them of Pres. Theodore Roosevelt, Actor Danny Glover, writers such as Charles Dickens and Lewis Carroll. This was a total surprise to them! They then started seeing themselves acheving their "dreams in life." I shared with them that fact that we are working on a "screenplay" for the novel to become a movie. This truly excited them as all of a sudden many of them wanted to become, "movie stars"! We had a great time.

We left the school with the children knowing the life of "Kevin Bolden" and them saying that, "I may have epilepsy, but epilepsy does not have me." They shared their dreams with us and truly made our visit one to remember.

I know I can speak for Mr. Dreason Ruckett in saying, "We thank the staff and the students at Bettie F. Williams Elementary School for the invitation to come and speak."

Lowell G. Evans
Autor of : "The Village"
A novel of inspiration for the entire family!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Indiana Man In Awe of African American Man Revealing He Has Epilepsy!

 Mrs. Sonja Glass shares what "The Village" and the Men of New Life Church did for her brother, Mr. Kirk Hawkins!

Excerpt From Letter Sent by Mrs. Sonja Glass:

"My brother called me to report he had received the book from you. Lowell, I was in awe of my brother’s awe in knowing someone cared enough to send the book, that people took the time to write to him personally in the book, that an African American man (you) would reveal to the world he has epilepsy. I listened as my brother quoted scriptures, praised God, and talked about his past and his anger at having epilepsy. Most of all, I listened as my brother began to heal a little.

Lowell, my brother asked me to tell you on that day that if you did not hear from him in awhile, not to worry, but the overwhelming feelings that book and the words of encouragement from the congregation was new and a little too much for him. Yet, he shocked me by saying “sis, tells my story to Lowell or anyone. But make sure you tell it all”.

Lowell, Kirk Hawkins had epileptic seizures. But he finished school, mastered a trade (as taught to him by our father) as an electrician, served our country honorably in the United States Army for many years, became a husband, father and now a grandfather. He (like you) is the face of epilepsy.

My brother said he Prays no one ever has to have seizures, yet he thank God for avenues of education such as your book to put not just a medical term to the illness, but an instrument such as yours that will actually give a face to the illness.

Thanks again!

We (Kirk and I) wish you the very best in your endeavors now and in the future.


Thursday, April 19, 2012

Arkansas Man States: "Finally Someone Puts Epilepsy Into a Story!"

Mr.Tim Parsons Sr. shares what "The Village and Kevin Bolden" has done for him."


My name is Tim. I recently came across Lowell Evans book, "The Village". I sent Mr. Evans the following message located at the bottom of this message...

I was amazed that someone had finally put in a story some of what I had experienced as a person with epilepsy myself. Although I have not read the book, I knew when I read about what the plot was what the book was about. This happens all too often in society today. It happened to me. I worked for the USPS from 1984 until late 1992 or early 1993, it was just before the Family Medical Leave Act was signed into law. I had begged my place of employment to let me do exactly what the FMLA gave workers the right to finally do. My meds needed adjustment after approximately 9 years of working, but my supervisors didn't like me missing work, even though I brought them explanations from my doctors about why I was having to miss work. Eventually, due to the stress and being made fun of by co workers, and with no help from EEOC I had a nervous breakdown because I could not get out of the hostile environment which was only making my situation worse.

I am sure myself nor "Kevin Bolden" are the only ones that epilepsy affects in this way, and the stigma that is attached to it by society is morally reprehensible. No one there saw anything wrong with what was going on.... I could not get any help from anyone, believe me, I tried. I was in the fight of my life, I had a family to feed and care for. If I failed in doing that, what kind of a man was I???

The reason I am telling you this, is that the story of Kevin Bolden, needs to be told, and told loudly. I have spoken with Mr. Evans, and it is like we have lived the same life, only a thousand miles apart. And I feel that there are a million other "Kevin Boldens" out there, who struggle everyday just to get up and go to work, knowing they too will have to face the harassment, and humiliation of being mocked, talked about behind their back and ridiculed afterward, all because they have, shhh, "epilepsy".

I was living the American Dream, and it turned into a nightmare for my family and myself...

Please help spread the word, and educate an ignorant population about epilepsy, and rid our society of the stigma associated with it.

Thank you for helping Mr. Evans, and thank you for allowing a small light to shine and reach me in what seems like a very dark and cruel world.


Tim Parsons, Sr.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Chicago Lady Sees Lowell G.Evans as an "Inspiration"!

Mrs. Staci Fulton admires Lowell G. Evans for writing "The Village" for Epilepsy Awareness!

Hello Mr. Evans,

My name is Staci Fulton and I am a 26 year old, married college student. I myself have epilepsy and it has had a profound impact on my life since birth. I was born with it, my paternal grandmother and father have it, have 3 different types of seizures ranging from Petit Mal to Grand Mal. I am still recovering from brain surgery that I had just a little over a year ago in order to try and control my seizures as I was having 5-10 a day. I am connected with Team Epilepsy on Facebook and that is how I heard about your book. I am thrilled to read it and find out how your journey has been with epilepsy, because I agree its not just neurological it is VERY emotional to! My family and I have been through lots with my epilepsy, including being told that my husband and I may not be able to have our own children! I find that even some of my college professors who have PH Ds can be very insensitive to the fact that epilepsy is a real condition that can have major impact, they ask some crazy things and people say some very hurtful things. I once had a teacher in high school throw an eraser at me because she thought I was being smart with her when I didn't respond and I had a smile on the left side of my face, because my seizures come from my right temporal lobe and so my left side of my face does crazy things. My heart sank and my mother was furious!! I admire you for being so strong and trying to spread awareness. I want to help spread awareness out here in Illinois, I am doing an internship with the Epilepsy Foundation of Greater Chicago this summer to help out. I have a saying to Epilepsy is a part of my identity, but it DOES NOT define me as a person!! That is what I tell people when they ask me about my epilepsy and my surgery and how it has effected my life. I plan to live life to its fullest and I will keep spreading the word about epilepsy awareness! By the way do they have an epilepsy walk out in VA? I do it every year my team's name is Staci's Wishful Walkers

Thank You,
Staci Fulton

P.S. You are an inspiration to all of us living and fighting daily with epilepsy!
Not Another Moment Should be Lost to Seizures!!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Ms Rebecca Shank Shares Her Testimony About "The Village"

Ms Rebecca Shank and I met a few years ago at our church, New Life Providence in Va.Beach, Va. Little did I know the challenges she was facing with epilepsy. Please read the "testimony" written by her:

To All the Above Addresses:

I have known Lowell Evans, Uncle Lowell, for about three years now. He spoke many times at church about a young boy with epilepsy, and I never had the courage to speak with him. One service on a Saturday night I finally approached and told him of my seizures and how I got them due to hitting my head my freshman year of college. For months he wanted to share this with our men's ministry at New Life Providence Church, but I would not let him at all. I finally let him share the information and a car was donated to me to drive around because for awhile I had to walk to and from school, work, and other places. He also wrote a book titled "The Village" which relates to me so much, that I keep it with me wherever I go just for encouragement. He is an awesome servant of the Lord, and if it was not for the phrase "I may have epilepsy, but it does not have me", I would not be able to worship the Lord through dance. Thanks for your time and I wish you all a Blessed Resurrection week.

God Bless,
Rebecca  L. Shank

"Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord"
Jeremiah  17:7

Friday, April 6, 2012



In the month of March 2012, the Mediciglobal Patient and Recruitment Firm created along with "Team Epilepsy", "The Village Book Give Away" contest! This contest was created after the leaders of  Mediciglobal and Team Epilepsy learned about Mr. Evans and his novel, "The Village". The novel was written to increase epilepsy awareness in the community.

After explaining to Mr. Nick Halkitis of Mediciglobal "The Village" and it's main character, "Mr. Kevin Bolden," Mr. Evans was informed about the 4 week "nationwide contest" on Facebook under Team Epilepsy! Each week Team Epilepsy would create a new question about "epilepsy" and the top 10 answers to the question would receive a free copy of "The Village!" One week over 700 responses were received in one (1) day! This contest has created a great relationship between Mediciglobal and "The Village, for Epilepsy Awareness!" CEO and Founder of Mediciglobal, Liz Moench along with Alicia Carango, Healthcare Communications Developer all stayed in contact with the author for the success of the project.

The novel written by Lowell Evans was also used as the "prize" for the Summer Stroll presented by Mediciglobal!

Lowell G.Evans Speaks at The Camel Restaurant

 On March 31, 2012, Mr. Paul Nelson Pace had his annual "Epilepsy Fundraiser Event" at The Camel Restaurant in Richmond, Va. The event went great and the "guest speaker" was Mr. Lowell G.Evans, author of "The Village."

Mr. Pace is very familiar with epilepsy and requested Mr. Evans to come once again to speak at his event. Mr. Evans made his famous statement to the many people dealing with epilepsy, "I may have epilepsy, but epilepsy does not have me."

Mr. Evans was able to present his novel,"The Village" and speak about the character he created to represent epilepsy, "Mr. Kevin Bolden." The name Kevin Bolden is becoming well known across the country with epilepsy. Mr. Evans presented Mr. Pace a copy of the novel for his dedication to "Epilepsy Awareness."

Messenger Films

Please go to the link below and read about a friend of mine and a man that I greatly respect. This man is  filmmaker, Mr. Cristóbal Krusen! Read about his "mission" with Messenger Films!

Thank you,
Lowell G.Evans
Author of: "The Village"