Saturday, January 17, 2015


Kendra Gibson was like many other people who have epilepsy. With not enough support and misinformation, she could not see herself being happy while having the condition. This all changed when she met Lowell G. Evans, the author of The Village on Facebook. Please read her story and see her FACEBOOK POST!

Ellie Gibson

3:23 AM (10 hours ago)
to me (Lowell G. Evans)
As promised, I would do my post, I want to share this this with the entire members & admin as well.
I met one of my friends through Facebook in September 2014 who is the author who sent me his book about epilepsy & the character he wrote himself.

 By reading this book, it gave me hope, inspiration & a light at the end of the tunnel as I was totally ready to give up on my life due to several months of endless seizures, hospital admissions, trying new medication that I was allergic too.
Through advice of my Epilepsy Specialist Nurse, I made the biggest decision to have a telecare service done through my local council & was assigned a social worker in early July. My telecare service is a lifeline unit connected to my home phone, wrist pendant to get immediate help, wrist pendant to get immediate help, a fall detector that triggers an alarm twice if I have a seizure & hit the floor & a epilepsy bed sensor that is placed under my mattress of my bed.

 This triggers an alarm to my lifeline unit to the control room to get immediate help.
Less than 24 hours of having this installed, I had a seizure, vomitted & hit my head of my bedside drawers, I somehow managed to press my wrist pendant to get immediate help before I blacked out as I only get to 2-3 seconds warning.
That day, my GCS was 3 & had to be intubated due to lose of consciousness. I remember very little of that day.
From the end of June till august, my life revolved around hospitals that I hated. Paramedics who told my 17 year old son that I was faking but a particular paramedic who hadn't seen me for over 5 years who knew nothing about my medical history.
His comments to my son who is very protective of me wasn't happy about this.
Two days later, the paramedics comments really got to me & took an overdose of my epilepsy medication & I just wanted to give up totally.
Life got better for me once I red the village & had to make lifestyle changes from what I watched on t.v., what book I was reading as I love reading, changed the music that I listened too, accessing the internet especially Facebook especially before going to bed, cutting out caffeine & using decaffeinated drinks to help me relax & sleep.
I now take one day at a time & having my life back again is fantastic & I owe that to my Facebook friend.

 I am sorry that I can't reveal his name or the book title due to the privacy & security of this group.
Lastly, I wrote my friend a letter back in December, letting him know how much he has helped me. I received an email from him 5 days before Christmas letting me know that my letter is going to be shared for International Epilepsy day shortly. This was the best Christmas present I could receive, knowing I am doing my part towards spreading the hero for Epilepsy - feeling loved.
Here is a couple of comments I received :

 Inspirational journey... Thank you for sharing with us all. Love and light always. You are one true warrior xx
My comment:
Thank you so much. I will carry on my journey forever
Another comment :
Keep on shining the way forward for others xx
Lowell, you have my full permission to use this email.
You are my hero!
Kendra Joanne Gibson