Sunday, June 24, 2012



Eric Olivier Jr. (E.J.) met Lowell G. Evans in the Kempsville Library some months ago and noticed his T-Shirt about the "National Epilepsy Convention." As Mr. Evans received a "smile" from this 13yr old student from Salem Middle School in Va. Beach, he smiled back and continued on to his desk. Little did the author of "The Village" know what the smile was all about!

Mrs. Teresa Olivier, E.J's mother then stopped the author and asked him about "epilepsy". This is when he told her about his speech at the convention and his book "The Village". He also informed her about his thoughts about epilepsy. He stated to her, "I may have epilepsy, but epilepsy does not have me!" Mrs.Olivier was happy to hear those words from him and then informed him of her son having epilepsy. This is when Mr. Evans asked her, "Is that your son over there?" She stated,"Yes" and then informed him of how Eric Jr. did not want to return to school or church because of the "peer pressure" he was receiving from having a seizure in public. Mr. Evans than asked to speak to E.J. and Mr. Olivier said, "Oh, please do."

After the author informed the young man that he had dealt with the "peer pressure" as well, E.J. felt a little more relaxed about epilepsy. It was when Mr. Evans informed the young man about all of the famous people who had epilepsy. He informed him of President Teddy Roosevelt, Thomas Edison, and Mr. Danny Glover all having this condition. The young man could hardly believe what he was hearing! His attitude was changing instantly! This conversation had the Olivier Family amazed! When Mr. Evans informed E.J. of the novel he wrote, "The Village" and then gave him an autographed copy, the relief that came across this young man's face was a site to see! He took the book and ran over to the other side of the library to read it!

A few weeks later, the Olivier family contacted the author again and requested more books to purchase along with "The Village" t-shirts! Little did the author know that the Olivier family had "bigger plans" than he ever could imagine. It was two weeks later when Mr. Evans received a call and it was from Mrs. Teresa Olivier, E.J.'s mother. The family had gone do to Atlanta, Ga. to nominate the author as a "CNN Hero." They were not able to get past security so they took a picture outside of the CNN Studios wearing the "Village T-Shirts and holding a copy of "The Village"! Mr. Evans could hardly believe his eyes!

Mrs. Olivier then stated to the author of the story of  "The Village and Kevin Bolden" changed the life of their son. E.J. for the better! In fact it was a positive change for the entire family! The family is planning on going back to CNN News to make the nomination again!

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