Cristobal Krusen shares His Thoughts About "The Village"
On September 7, 2012, the writer and director of the award winning film, "Undaunted, The Early Days of Josh McDowell, Mr. Cristobal Krusen came to Virginia Beach.
Cris, connected with Lowell G.Evans, author of, "The Village" and informed him that he would do a "sneak preview" of his latest movie "Undaunted", scheduled to come out on October 16, 2012, and also share with the attendances his thoughts of his novel becoming a motion picture. The people that attended the event were from New Life Providence Church, special guests, and people interested in seeing the film and hearing the views of Cris about "The Village" becoming a movie.
After viewing the movie, Cris explained how he was contacted by Pastor McDowell and requested to do the story on his life just by the pastor seeing a DVD done by Cris! WOW! Cris then traveled from the country of Belize to the United States to work with the pastor and write the script for the movie. The movie was filmed in several different locations. "UNDAUNTED", the documentary about Josh McDowell won two awards at this
year's ICVM conference for Best Documentary and Best Evangelistic Film.
After the question and answer period of the program, Cris then explained to everyone the novel, "The Village." He stated how he had read the novel and had done a "personal interview" with the author and found a "deeper message" in the story than the one written by Lowell G. Evans. He shared his views in making a movie from "The Village" would not only focus on epilepsy, which is why Lowell wrote the book, but on the response to "epilepsy" from society as well. This is what Cris found to be the "areas in the story" that would make it successful in the cinema!
When Cris introduced Lowell to the audience, he informed them of how they met over three (3) years ago at a church function for the men and how the friendship took off from that point. It was then when Lowell shared with everyone the importance of "epilepsy education" in society and especially in the schools. He stated how a movie is needed for this message to reach the millions of people with the condition. Lowell has a statement which says, "I may have epilepsy, but epilepsy does not have me." The character that he has created in the novel, "Mr. Kevin Bolden" is a name going across the country to represent epilepsy.
Messenger Films and The Village, for Epilepsy Awareness are in the development stage of this project and are spreading the word about the movie that so many people want to see come to past. Mr. Kelvin Arthur is also working with Lowell on this project along with Ms Kysa Emonds. Please see the pictures from the visit to Virginia Beach from Mr. Krusen to talk about "The Village",
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